How to Check if It is a Reserved Keyword in VBScript?

How to Check if It is a Reserved Keyword in VBScript?

How to Check if It is a Reserved Keyword in VBScript?

Althought not all the following keywords are used in VBScript, but they are reserved. For example, the 'AS' keyword is not used in VBScript (but they are used in Visual Basic where a variable is declared AS a type). In VBScript, all variables are variant types meaning they can be integer at a time and then later used as a string depending on the programming context. If you have the following in VBScript:
Dim As
The Interpreter (cscript.exe or wscript.exe) will report error because AS is a reserved keyword and cannot be declared as a variable. Please note that this Online VBScript Obfuscator preserves all the keywords in the VBScript source code.
Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected identifier
There are 79 reserved keywords in VBScript (the following sorted alphabetically):
And	As	Boolean	ByRef	Byte	ByVal	Call	Case	Class	Const	
Currency	Debug	Dim	Do	Double	Each	Else	ElseIf	Empty	End	
EndIf	Enum	Eqv	Event	Exit	False	For	Function	Get	GoTo	
If	Imp	Implements	In	Integer	Is	Let	Like	Long	Loop	
LSet	Me	Mod	New	Next	Not	Nothing	Null	On	Option	
Optional	Or	ParamArray	Preserve	Private	Public	RaiseEvent	ReDim	Rem	Resume	
RSet	Select	Set	Shared	Single	Static	Stop	Sub	Then	To	
True	Type	TypeOf	Until	Variant	Wend	While	With	Xor	

The CheckReserved Function in VBScript

We can use the Execute function to execute the statement, if it is not a keyword, then no errors will be generated, otherwise, it will throw out errors. However, we have to disable the error thrown in the function by telling VBScript On Error Resume Next, after we check the result, we enable the error reporting by On Error Goto 0.
Function IsReserved(keyword)
      On Error Resume Next
      Execute "Dim " & keyword
      IsReserved = Err.Number <> 0
      On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Alternatively, you can just check the keyword against the list. Use the following function (Select-Case Syntax) to check if a keyword (case insensitive) is a reserved keyword in VBScript.
Function IsReserved(keyword)
	  IsReserved = False
	  Select Case LCase(keyword)
	      Case "and": IsReserved = True
	      Case "as": IsReserved = True
	      Case "boolean": IsReserved = True
	      Case "byref": IsReserved = True
	      Case "byte": IsReserved = True
	      Case "byval": IsReserved = True
	      Case "call": IsReserved = True
	      Case "case": IsReserved = True
	      Case "class": IsReserved = True
	      Case "const": IsReserved = True
	      Case "currency": IsReserved = True
	      Case "debug": IsReserved = True
	      Case "dim": IsReserved = True
	      Case "do": IsReserved = True
	      Case "double": IsReserved = True
	      Case "each": IsReserved = True
	      Case "else": IsReserved = True
	      Case "elseif": IsReserved = True
	      Case "empty": IsReserved = True
	      Case "end": IsReserved = True
	      Case "endif": IsReserved = True
	      Case "enum": IsReserved = True
	      Case "eqv": IsReserved = True
	      Case "event": IsReserved = True
	      Case "exit": IsReserved = True
	      Case "false": IsReserved = True
	      Case "for": IsReserved = True
	      Case "function": IsReserved = True
	      Case "get": IsReserved = True
	      Case "goto": IsReserved = True
	      Case "if": IsReserved = True
	      Case "imp": IsReserved = True
	      Case "implements": IsReserved = True
	      Case "in": IsReserved = True
	      Case "integer": IsReserved = True
	      Case "is": IsReserved = True
	      Case "let": IsReserved = True
	      Case "like": IsReserved = True
	      Case "long": IsReserved = True
	      Case "loop": IsReserved = True
	      Case "lset": IsReserved = True
	      Case "me": IsReserved = True
	      Case "mod": IsReserved = True
	      Case "new": IsReserved = True
	      Case "next": IsReserved = True
	      Case "not": IsReserved = True
	      Case "nothing": IsReserved = True
	      Case "null": IsReserved = True
	      Case "on": IsReserved = True
	      Case "option": IsReserved = True
	      Case "optional": IsReserved = True
	      Case "or": IsReserved = True
	      Case "paramarray": IsReserved = True
	      Case "preserve": IsReserved = True
	      Case "private": IsReserved = True
	      Case "public": IsReserved = True
	      Case "raiseevent": IsReserved = True
	      Case "redim": IsReserved = True
	      Case "rem": IsReserved = True
	      Case "resume": IsReserved = True
	      Case "rset": IsReserved = True
	      Case "select": IsReserved = True
	      Case "set": IsReserved = True
	      Case "shared": IsReserved = True
	      Case "single": IsReserved = True
	      Case "static": IsReserved = True
	      Case "stop": IsReserved = True
	      Case "sub": IsReserved = True
	      Case "then": IsReserved = True
	      Case "to": IsReserved = True
	      Case "true": IsReserved = True
	      Case "type": IsReserved = True
	      Case "typeof": IsReserved = True
	      Case "until": IsReserved = True
	      Case "variant": IsReserved = True
	      Case "wend": IsReserved = True
	      Case "while": IsReserved = True
	      Case "with": IsReserved = True
	      Case "xor": IsReserved = True
	  End Select 
End Function

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